Susanna +46736374897
Christian +46736207674
Sled tour
Sled tour ride or drive
Service Description
This years sled tour takes you through forests, frozen wet lands and over a frozen lake (when ice-conditions allow). Enjoy the ride by sitting on a cozy dogsled while the guide and the dogs drives you through the winter landscape or make a reservation for an own sled to drive behind the guide. After the tour fika is served by the fire place at our kennel. Duration: Approximately 1 hour tour + 1 hour preparation and hangout after the tour
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
If you want to cancel, please do so at least 72 hours before arranged time. If you want to re-schedule, please do so 48 hrs before arranged time. In case of no-show or late cancellation we will charge 20% of the total amount.
Contact Details
Arvträsk 18, Lycksele, Sweden